Taiwan offers a grand adventure that will be a fantastic experience every step of the way. From the shining cityscapes in the distance to the beautiful ridges and climbing opportunities that await, don’t miss this opportunity to try one of the newest long-distance hiking opportunities on this side of the world.
The Taipei Grand Trail, which traverses all of the ridges which surround Taipei City, integrating 130+ trails that will guide you along ancient walking paths, city streets, and mountain vistas.
If you have always wanted to challenge yourself with long-distance hiking in the past, then this experience in Taiwan is the perfect introduction. All of the trails are maintained in excellent condition, providing everyone at any skill level an opportunity to start exploring.
Incredible vistas are waiting to be discovered. Come join us to experience the magic!
The Taipei Grand Trail, which traverses all of the ridges which surround Taipei City, integrating 130+ trails that will guide you along ancient walking paths, city streets, and mountain vistas.
If you have always wanted to challenge yourself with long-distance hiking in the past, then this experience in Taiwan is the perfect introduction. All of the trails are maintained in excellent condition, providing everyone at any skill level an opportunity to start exploring.
Incredible vistas are waiting to be discovered. Come join us to experience the magic!
Main Highlights
Taipei Grand Trail (臺北大縱走)
- The route includes ridges, ancient trails, walking paths, mountain trails, and city streets, with the difference between the highest elevation and the lowest elevation being 1,120 meters.
- Take photos at 12 designated locations with the 12 words in each location
The Centennial Lighthouse Walk
- The northernmost lighthouse, Fuguei Cape lighthouse (富貴角燈塔)
- The easternmost lighthouse, also knowns as the “Eyes of Taiwan”, Sandiaojiao Lighthouse (三貂角燈塔)
- Bitoujiao lighthouse (鼻頭角燈塔)
- Keelung lighthouse (基隆燈塔)
The daily estimated hiking duration and distance is subjected to change according to actual route/trail conditions based on a moderate speed pace.
Daily lunch for D2 to D6 are to be prepared by your own, you can get some energy bars, fruits, snacks, rice roll, biscuits and etc from the convenience shop nearby the day before.
During the hiking days, you only need to carry your day bag. The coach will transfer our luggage to the next accommodation.
The daily estimated hiking duration and distance is subjected to change according to actual route/trail conditions based on a moderate speed pace.
Daily lunch for D2 to D6 are to be prepared by your own, you can get some energy bars, fruits, snacks, rice roll, biscuits and etc from the convenience shop nearby the day before.
During the hiking days, you only need to carry your day bag. The coach will transfer our luggage to the next accommodation.
- Suitable for any level of hikers with decent fitness level, able to hike/walk long distance between 15km to 20km in one day.
- Does not have any back, leg, ankle or knee injury.
THE Grand Hike of Taipei Skyline
SandiaoJiao Lighthouse In 1626 AD, a Spanish ship set sail from the Philippines and reached the northeast coast of Taiwan. Because they did not know the name of their location, to be able to record it in their log, they named it San Diego in Latin, a common custom of the Spanish people, to name locations with “San”. Early residents thus translated the name of the area according to the sound of the Latin name, becoming “Sandiao” in Taiwanese. “Sandiao” was located around a cape, and thus the area was named “Sandiao Cape”. |
Fugui Cape lighthouse At the northernmost of Taiwan, the lighthouse was originally named Fuji Cape Lighthouse. The lighthouse’s original octagonal iron structure was ruined during WWII. In 1962, the present cement lighthouse was built. In black and white, the lighthouse looks lovely. It marks Taiwan’s northernmost point, too. |
Bitoujiao lighthouse Originally built in 1897 as a hexagonal iron tower. It was destroyed during World War II and rebuilt with the round reinforced concrete tower seen today. The lighthouse remains an important beacon for ship traffic in the Pacific. It is currently closed to the public, but visitors can enjoy the ocean views and scenic landscape, including the sea-sculpted tofu rock formations. Another spectacular sight here is the contrast of calm sea water on the north side of the cape and the high waves on the east. |
Keelung Lighthouse The Keelung Lighthouse, built in 1900, is located at the West Bank of Keelung Port. Originally a brick round tower, it was rebuilt into a reinforced concrete round tower in 1962. Wanwanduibi was originally a seaside land full of rocks. It got its name because of the strange rocks and rocks around it, like many piled noses, but now it has been rebuilt into No. 30 Pier. In the early years, the Keelung Lighthouse also had a red light arc to mark the dangerous reefs outside the harbor. |
Early bird (Deposit by 31 January 2023) $1400 Loyalty Price (for those who travelled with AU during the past 12 months) $1400 $1500 (after 31 January 2023) min 6 pax to go * valid till 31 January 2023 * does not include trips to Malaysia ^ Bonus: A complementary local data sim card will be given if you sign up by 31 January 2023! Package Includes: